About Us

1st International Congress on Vulnerability and Digital Culture

OPEN CALL FOR PAPERS See more information

Submission and Acceptance of Proposals: Until September 30, 2018

Who we are

This congress is being organized by a Consortium of three Universities from the Autonomous Region of Madrid: CEU San Pablo University, the entity coordinating the consortium, is participating with two research groups, one of which is CEICIN, a group that works on the analysis of alterations caused by access to content on social networks and Internet, especially with regard to vulnerable home and school environments, as well as the internationalization of research results. The second is called BRECHA, a research group that studies all issues related to the digital divide and the elderly, as well as the group’s problems in the new technological environment.

Rey Juan Carlos University participates with the research group PARTICYPAD, which works on the analysis and dissemination of factors that favour the inclusion and social participation of young people through social media, as well as the GICOMSOC group, which analyzes the condition of vulnerability of minors who use Internet and social networks. Finally, there is the Villanueva University Centre, which is part of Complutense University of Madrid. The Villanueva-OCS group works to strengthen the international presence and activity of research groups, the expansion of international networks, and the conducting of research on Children and Communication.

The consortium is known as PROVULDIG-CM, and the group is financially supported by the Autonomous Region of Madrid (call for Social Sciences and Humanities), and the European Social Fund, Ref: S2015 / HUM / 3434. Its period of operation is from 2016 to 2018.

For more information about us, go to www.provuldig.com

Why this Congress?

The structure of developed nations today rests on a technological framework for which there is no turning back. In the blink of an eye, human life has become virtual, interactive, ubiquitous, hyper-connected, and hyper-textual. No area escapes the influence of digital communication networks and their liquid culture of visibility and instantaneousness, or in other words, of mere existence and the passage of time, the two elements that bring together human relations and their surroundings.

However, if the Information Society is a consequence of technological progress, this development does not in itself guarantee universal and free access to information (UNESCO, 2005). It is necessary to take another step toward the Knowledge Society, a concept that implies ethical, political and social decisions that are much broader, which have to do with the development of communication technologies that allow people to have equal access of opportunity to knowledge, education and culture, which they can use to confront their present situation and build their own future.

The current 1st International Congress on Vulnerability and Digital Culture was born from the inspiration of these ideas. We want to foster an open and multidisciplinary environment that attracts the interest of academics and professionals concerned about the effects of digital culture on peoples’ lives and on the quality of our democracies.

The congress is organized around various symposia that follow specific topics; each of these is structured around a series of core topics that are specifically indicated in each symposium.

How can I participate?

Scholars, researchers, students and professionals interested in the proposed topic areas can participate. The papers will be presented in both Spanish and English, see Participación como comunicante”. Spanish and English will be the languages of the Congress. Interpretation services will be available in these languages as well.

There are 3 ways to participate:

As a speaker:

  • We welcome proposals that develop some of the topics suggested in the symposia, either from the point of view of an empirical methodology or from a theoretical and descriptive approach
  • Those interested in sending a paper to the Congress should select the most appropriate symposium for their area of research. See Simposios
  • It is necessary to register on the congress website and follow the instructions provided on the website.
  • Abstracts submitted for evaluation by the coordinators of the chosen symposia have to be written in both Spanish and English, and must include the following:
    • Title
    • 500-word summary (objective, methodology, results and conclusions)
    • Keywords
    • Name and institutional affiliation of the author or authors
  • Once these summaries have been evaluated, the speaker will receive notification with the results of the evaluation; if changes are necessary, the speaker will be informed of the required modifications and the time available to complete them.
  • When the paper is accepted, it is necessary to finalize the payment. In order to do so, it is necessary to make a deposit into the account indicated.
  • After the payment has been made, it will be necessary to send it in pdf format to [email protected], indicating in the email the symposium and the corresponding number of the paper, as well as details of the participant or participants.
  • More information regarding payment and the rights of the speakers is available in the Participación como comunicante tab.

Other Congress attendees:

  • If you are a professional who is interested in attending the conferences, round tables and/or networking sessions with experts, you must fill in your personal information and other data on the form provided for this purpose.

Members of the general public:

Participation is free for the following groups but you must fill in your personal information and other data on the form provided and send an email with that information to [email protected]:

  • Staff of the organizing universities
  • Young people
  • Seniors
  • People who are unemployed
  • Parents Associations
  • Senior Associations

Registration Price:

  • Until September 16, 2018, reduced price
    • Attending authors: 100€
    • Non-attending authors: 60€
    • PhD student attendees: 50€
  • From September 17 to October 18, 2018, normal price
    • Attending authors: 150€
    • Non- attending authors: 90€
    • PhD student attendees: 50€

Location and date of the event

The congress will take place in the city of Madrid on October 18 and 19, 2018, in the morning and afternoon. English-Spanish/Spanish-English interpretation service will be available.

The Congress location is accessible by bus (there are several bus lines that go to the destination) as well as underground.  See the «Información» tab.


Universidad CEU San Pablo. Campus de Moncloa. Aula Magna.
C/Julián Romea, 23. 28003 Madrid

See the location and how to go in the Información tab.

Activities Program

For more details, go to the Programa tab

Conferences and Symposia

The Congress is structured around a series of conferences in which several experts from various fields related to the topic of the Congress will discuss matters of interest.

A total of 15 symposia have been organized with a methodology consisting of expositions and subsequent debates on the topics presented.

For more information related to this fundamental part of our congress, go to the «simposios tab.

Scientific Journals

The congress is pleased to inform the readers that two influential scientific journals will participate in this edition of the event.

The journals Doxa Comunicación and Mediterránea de Comunicación are organizations that are collaborating with the International Congress on Vulnerability and Digital Culture. Both of these publications will reach a joint agreement regarding the creation of thematic monographs arising from the contributions presented in the symposia of the Congress, pending a quality evaluation to be conducted by the coordinators. The works that these coordinators consider to have reached the level of quality necessary to be submitted for publication will then be transferred to the directors or editors of both journals.


Technical office

Rosa Cabrera
+34 91 456 4200, Ext. 14239
[email protected]

Director of the Congress

Ignacio Blanco
+34 91 456 42 00 Ext. 14314
[email protected]